Thursday, September 30, 2010

A New Baby!!!!!

I almost forgot, David had wanted me to post this a few days ago, but I've been sick with a nasty cold.

David's son Seth, and his partner Anna had a beautiful baby girl named Ada Ruth on the equinox, Tuesday September 22nd!!! She had a quick and straightforward birth at home with mom Chris as midwife, weighed 8 lbs 3 oz, and is doing great!! In these photos, she is about 11 hrs old. A couple days later, David got to hold her and said he feels a comraderie with her, that she is just arriving, and is a bit between worlds, and he is leaving and also feels between worlds. It's been wonderful for him to greet this baby girl.


  1. Wow! Beautiful! How wonderful! David, so glad you hung in for this wonderful occasion.


  2. She is so beautiful! Congratulations and much love. I wish I could come up and visit! Much love, Jessica clements

  3. David/Tara Seth/Anna - Congratulations on your new beginning. David, I know this was one of those carrots you weren't going to miss savoring. (-: There's something miraculous about the new baby smell. How wonderful that Ada got to meet her grandfather.

    sending all of you a big hug.

  4. Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that i was in Kyoto last week and said prayers at many Buddhist Temples and Shinto Shrines for your safe transition. with love, Liz K.
