Friday, June 11, 2010

As promised, the earth prayer

Here is the info about how to share our healing energy with the Earth. It is beautifully written, complex and simple too. I hope it serves you as we each do our part to find our way with the things in life that astound us.

June 5, 2010

Hello Friends~

I am writing this to make a request…


~Chances are good you have heard about the oil that is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico at a rapid rate as I type this and you read this.

I do not know all of the details, nor do I need to know about how many thousands or millions of gallons/hour is currently gushing. What I do know is that this has the potential to be considered the worst environmental disaster in my lifetime.

I do not know what feelings this situation is creating within you…Aloofness? Grief? Anger? Confusion? Shock? Fear? No feelings whatsoever?

I support you in allowing whatever is, to be.

My Request

Regardless of our feeling or non-feeling response to this current matter, I personally believe in the power of visualization & prayer, and have chosen to invite you to join me.

Below I have created twelve steps that can take as little as 1 minute or many to step through. I invite you to relax & take a deep breath before you read through it. If you do not choose to take the time to read all 12, I ask that you read step 10.

Thank you for your presence and willingness to be alive at this time.

  1. I invite my feelings about this situation to be, no matter what.
  2. I see my own behavior and personal reliance on oil powered machines and automobiles in my life and accept my role & responsibility in creating this situation.
  3. I extend forgiveness to myself for this.
  4. In honoring life’s balance, I let go of controlling anything regarding this situation.
  5. Again, I ask for forgiveness. This time for being powerless.
  6. I sit with this dichotomy. Full responsibility & no control.
  7. I breathe deeply and allow myself to sigh, cry, feel, or whatever may come up.
  8. If I believe in a Higher Power, I ask for its deep true presence to be with me.
  9. I recognize the current situation as it has been in reality and bring up any images that come to mind regarding it. i.e. gushing oil, oily shores, oily plant or animal life.
  10. I give thanks for being alive and living on earth and I visualize, pray, meditate or simply wish that a solution is found that will stop the oil that is currently flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. I see the oil stop flowing directly into the Gulf of Mexico. I give thanks for this.
  11. I visualize plants and marine life and other animals diverted from the oil. I see solutions being created and implemented that have lasting solutions to this disaster. I see people working together to restore & create. I see myself and others changing our behavior in our reliance on fossil fuels. I see myself driving less, walking & riding my bike, I see myself living in town and taking the bus. I see clean energy solutions being created and utilized in beneficial ways.
  12. I come back to what is in this present moment, breathe deeply, acknowledge where I am sitting, and let go of when, where and whether my prayers are heard.

Please feel free to share this with others. May we continue to find ways to honor & celebrate the journey of this human life on earth and find solutions for living here in harmony.

~Deepest thanks~ Marie Poland

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