Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prayers get answered

Hi All,

Just wanted you to know that David's latest bloodtest results look miraculously good! Yay!! Red blood cell counts are up, white's are up, platelets are up, etc. And so we wonder, is it the sailing with joyful loved ones, or all the prayers and love sent by you beautiful people that are making the difference? That is one mystery we won't know the answer to. We are simply grateful and David is hopeful he'll have a summer to enjoy here in Maine. So we walk the line between doing what we can to influence the course of life, and yielding to what is occuring when that is most peaceful. We've both had times of anger this week, David about his body shrinking in front of his eyes, me thinking it's unfair this is happening. We can sustain that for brief periods, and then ease becomes more appealing, and so we try to move on. Luckily there's lots of support. I was reminded today that this experience with David is not so unlike the oil spill in the gulf. It's overwhelming, confusing, scary, incomprehensible, and can seem so big that shutting down emotionally is an appropriate response. But what if David is going to live a little longer because a bunch of caring people sent him healing energy? If it makes a difference for David, it can make a difference for our much loved Planet Earth. So please add the earth to your prayers, envision her healthy and vibrant. I've found myself saying "Thank you for the healing" as I drift off to sleep (it's nice and all-inclusive- I'm in there too with a sore shoulder or a heavy heart). I read something beautiful today with more details about healing the earth. If I can find the source, I'll include it next time. Remember we're all in this together. And thanks again for your loving energetic contributions!! Blessings, Tara


  1. Such amazing and wondrous news!!! There's a reason why David continues to overcome. It's David. (-: And you, Tara. WAY TO GO, YOU GUYS! I have a feeling that if you went swimming in the Maine ocean right about now, it would eradicate the myeloma entirely. Nothing a brisk 59 degree swim wouldn't conquer, right?

    "Oh happy day...." Sing it with me now. (-:

  2. How wonderful! David and Tara I am SO happy for you. I will keep you in my prayers in hopes that you keep receiving more good news.


  3. Glad to read this. Thinking of you both often, sending love. Please call if you want any listening. Inspired by you both. Thanks for making this blog so I can check in with you whenever I want.

    Anne (Ellinger)
