Sunday, June 6, 2010

Let's get that boat in the water!

June 3d
Hi all,

Thanks for the wonderful notes. It is so powerful to hear how our community see this dieing thing, and the love we have for each other.

People have wondered if David is super-sick right now, so wanting to clear that up. He's actually up and around quite a bit most days, still driving, cooking, making phone calls, reminding me where tools are when I forget.

We're actually working on launching the sailboat he purchase earlier this year. When his son Seth heard the days were likely numbered, he said "Well damn it Dad, if you're going to kick off, we need to get your boat in the water! You've wanted your own boat for years, let's at least get on it!" So we will, and hope for some sweet days on the ocean.

love, Tara

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