Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Onward To Health!

June 15,
A lot has changed since I last (and first) wrote, as is usually the case with me. I am somewhat embarrassed about what I wrote then and also thankful for the changes that have occurred because of it. People have reached out with new ideas that have me optimistic- yeah!
All along it has been the allopathic world that has been concerned about me, and according to western medicine I have been considered very sick and most recently to be near death. The alternative healing community has continually seen me as healthy, resilient and doing well. I have worked at making sense of both and taking advantage of the best of both. I have been introduced to some new alternative healing medicines that seem very promising.
First I’d like to say something about how I got to the place of feeling like I was dying. I have come to believe over the years that we are 75% responsible for what happens in our lives- due to what we think, feel, and believe. Up until the last 2 days I could not think, feel or believe that I could get healthy. I have been so weak, tired, discouraged and focusing on lab results, weight loss (I got down to 130 pounds), doctors words, I just couldn’t focus on where I wanted to go (health, strength, well-being, long life). I had been in a prolonged physical, mental, and spiritual crisis. In my belief system since I was focusing on illness, weakness, etc. that is where I was headed.
Gradually, since the beginning of the blog, I have been taking in all the love, support and energy of all of you and there have been outward signs of improvement because of it! Most of you have seemed to agree with my sense of impending death- taking me seriously (which I have taken as love!, and caring). [I finally (after 2 months of being unable to) cried after reading a bunch of email responses. (I had recently gotten off some medication that was impinging on my ability to feel also.)] But a few people have come forward with strong convictions that I am not even close to death, not believing me at all. One of those was an acquaintance that I did not know was a medicine woman, shaman, healer who I will tell you about shortly. Having my blood test results show such miraculous, unexplainable improvements last week was really encouraging and began to shatter my sense of impending death. I began to believe in miracles again. I began to be able to take in a few people’s encouragement in this direction. In the last 2 days I have started to gain weight and my bowels have begun to work without lots of aides.
One of my energy healers, Martha Derbyshire, encouraged me to look into some supplements to help me. I called about them and was greatly encouraged by what I heard about the efficacy of them and have thus ordered them. Last night, Adam Stone and his wife Bella (pronounced Beja) came by to bring me some Peruvian rainforest medicinal plant parts. Bella is the medicine woman I spoke of a few sentences ago. I was fascinated to learn of Bella’s village’s belief that nothing is incurable. That one just has to find the right plant and use it and one will be healed. That plants have intelligence and the correct plant can work with the body to heal it! Adam and Bella felt strongly about a particular root that it would help me. I started taking it last night and felt better today than I have felt in months. Their words were very impactful and have shifted my outlook. Bella is convinced that I will not die soon, that I will be healed by the plants she has provided me. Adam and Bella’s beliefs about the efficacy of the plants due to them growing in virgin soil, their descriptions of the red sap that comes out of them when cut, their regeneration capabilities was very convincing to me.
So I am beginning to be able to visualize myself being healthy and strong! Yeah! There are outward demonstrations of positive change. Yeah!
Today, another healer friend, John Cardano, came by and we lay out on the lawn in the sun and talked. He helped me visualize my bone marrow in new profound ways. He has encouraged me to go inward more, to make my health my #1 priority. (Believe it or not I still will sacrifice my health to do projects, be responsible, please others, or for other reasons.) I have a renewed commitment to taking the time to go inside and connect with my body, love it, be accepting of it, and have fun with it. With this commitment, which includes resting a lot more, I may not be as responsive to you all. I may be more inward, selfish, and self-caring.
I welcome you to join me once again in being healthy and vibrant and living a long time.
Oh, and something you could do for me, when we are together or on the phone, is to initiate having some meditative silence. I long to doing healing practice (silence, Chi Gong, yoga, visualization, breathing…) with others, yet I am usually shy/reluctant to initiate doing so. If you would initiate it, I would be very grateful- if only for a minute or even a few seconds. A simple yet powerful gift to me.
There is much more I wish to share and it is sleeping time. Enough for now.
I apologize for what now seems like it may have been unnecessary drama. I am also thankful that what has happened has happened. I am very glad to be where I am now. And if it has been emotionally costly to you, I'm sorry.
Onward to life, learning, growth, healing and fun!
Much love, David


  1. David, I am SO happy for you. I am visualizing you in good health, sailing on the sea.


  2. David...loving is "emotionally costly" with the highest rewards more Love ... The more days you are here with all who love you and vise versa the better..Bring on the positive attitude,Your Glorious Positive Attitude, will, tears, AND the PLANTS!!!

    MY thanks to Adam, Bella, Martha and John.. as well as Vicki, Elizabeth,Tom, Sara Belle, and all the nurses and doctors at waldo county, arkansas and illinois and Chris, Johnny, Seth, Tyler, Lucretia, Ming, Y, Margaret, charles, joanne, gary, cameron and Tara.. all the other folks who love you.. and MY thanks to you. for being YOURSELF karin

  3. Dear David,

    What a wonderful post to read! Glad that Adam and Bella found you. I truly was glad to see you these past few days when you visited for Chi-Gong practice...and withheld my observations that you're obviously doing much better for hesitancy to impinge my "personal" opinions or observations on unfolding reality. But it is no longer a subatomic secret that the observer does influence reality...thank you for reminding us of this.

    So let us all influence, positively influence- learning to strengthen and enlighten- our minds, hearts and bodies.

    After an exhausting morning dealing with our own little alopathic ailments I came home and happily neglected homework while listening to devotional music and choreographing a dance. Onward to meditation. I'll call about possible meditation/ healing visualization practice


  4. David, the thing I've always admired about you is your ability to tell the truth. Yours, mine, anyone's. Please don't for one second regret anything you've said, felt, done, thought, or left undone. Now is not the time for any of that. We're human beings and none of us have any answers. We only think we do. On we go.

    Live, laugh, love. And be Dan Fogelberg and cry if you have to, but mostly be David Demere. That seems to have worked pretty well so far.

    I've been trying to remember what that red Peruvian root stuff in your jar smells like and I've only this minute remembered: ZAREX. Can't say it's my cup of tea. Thank you for not making me share. (-: Where's Mary Poppins and her spoonful of sugar?

    Sail on. Don't forget the D pillow. Here's to summer in Belfast. May it be endless.

    Love from your un-quiet friend.

  5. David - We are so happy to read your post. Bella is very happy. She says she knows you can get better. Even in the scientific world in subatomic secrets as mentioned above, they have seen mysteries of how the observer effects physical reality. The known realm is only half of reality, the unknown mystery is a whole other half of this world.
    Bye the way, the spoonful of sugar in the herbs of the amazon is how they make you feel after you take them, but there are some preparations that taste better like amazon herb companies stuff.
    Another plant story, in shipibo mythology they beleive the Boa has the ability to die and come back to life, to be cut and to grow together again. That is the ability of the Boa huascha, if you cut the vine, it will grow back together again. It is great for healing operations, its power also comes in dreams. Death and rebirth is in all beliefs, mythologies and religions. It must be important, maybe something we all will face such as you have.
    ps- Bella wants me to tell you to keep taking the chuchuwasi.

  6. Hello All! Thanks to each of you for your beautiful, powerful input here. I love that I am moved to tears with each of your notes. I love that we can all learn and share in this journey together, and that we humans are evolving to where we are talking about these essential things. You are amazing! Your love and clarity is awesome!! Tara


  8. David and Tara,
    So happy to read this! Yahoooo!!!!
    And of course things may have changed since your last post. They can change and change and change and change and we'll all keep surfing the waves with you no matter what happens.

    Perhaps like other people, I haven't been able to picture your dying or to let in that "it's really happening." Was that denial? Intuition? I picture you being a fountain of love, that's all.

    Would it really be fine to call you up and say, "Want to do five minutes of silence with me?" and end the call after that??? That sounds wonderful!

    Love to you both.
    As always please call if you want listening.
    And when you don't call, I'll interpret it as (a) you having an abundance of good listeners near at hand and (b) you're taking good care of yourself. So -- never an obligation.

    Anne (Ellinger)
    p.s. All's well here. The grant from Gates Foundation came through; Jason now Director of Bolder Giving; True Story thriving, Micah biking with friends to Chicago.
