Sunday, November 7, 2010

beautiful open casket full of love

I hope you all are up for this. For balance, I am including this photo of David and his childhood buddy Mika. This is early September, just two months ago. I guess it helps me with perspective to remember that David really did live life as fully as possible, including sailing a few times in the last weeks of his life.

I also want to let you know that the photos below are of the open casket. The first two are of the beautiful offerings that were loving placed by so many friends and family, to say goodbye and honor David, and also of the space in the barn that cradled the casket. Please note his yellow dancing shoes! The final two include his face. It's entirely optional to view or not. If you do, also notice the big maple leaves, brought by a friend from David's house on Head of Tide, and the love notes, the book of beloved Donna Faulds poems, the herbs and kale because "David loved kale!!", and his hand embroidered UU nametag. He doesn't really look like himself. I guess that's another reason to include the live David here above. The next post will be the burial.

love, Tara


  1. Tara, thank you for the courage to post these photos. It helps me to see his body there without his spirit (as well as to see that beautiful boat-coffin). He was so alive the day I spent with him, only a few weeks before his death, it was terribly hard to believe he was dying. So thank you.

  2. Thanks you Tara - for those of us who were not there it is very helpful.
