Monday, November 1, 2010

hours to days

The nurse came this morning, listened to David breathing and looked at him. She then shared that she thinks we have hours to days till he makes his transition.

Also this morning I received by email a poem that Joanne Moesswilde wrote after being here Friday night. David had just heard that Lucretia was in labor, and the baby was on its way. Joanne stood David up to help him to the commode, and what ensued was a beautiful exchange of two people who have loved each other a long time, and danced many many dances together. I'll let the poem tell the story. Leave it to David to dance his way out of this world!!

when bed to chair transfer becomes a dance
your bony arms resting on my shoulders
as you use my body to stand up
on your thin legs.
going from bed to chair, now a long process for you.
we stand face to face
your lost eyes look for an answer;
i say, "like we are dancing, david."
and then comes a smile so big on your now thin face
your eyes light up in focused gaze,
we are dancing on the wooden dance floor again;
a little tune comes humming from your dry and frail lips
now brought back to life with laughter and a playful click
your left hand takes my right
in proper ballroom style our bodies sway
and every dance we ever had is repeated and recalled
here in this 90 second dance
as we transfer from bed to chair


  1. Tara, I'm so glad you're writing often! I don't know if others are having this tech difficulty, but I thought I had signed up to get email notice of postings, but I'm not getting any. So I have to just remember to look at the site -- which I hadn't for a few weeks. Also -- I have responses to so MUCH that you write, so moved by all of it, and I feel self-conscious about commenting on every post given how few comments there are. Would it be OK for me to email you? Or is it better to just comment here? Please do give David my love. I am thinking of you both -- and of Charles and Margaret -- with much love and admiration. Wishing you all courage and peace in your hearts.

  2. Well. It was just three hours, not days. So glad you were there.
