Thursday, October 21, 2010

coughing up blood

Quick update. David awoke coughing up blood this am. This will likely worsen with time, and is probably the cancer moving into the lungs. He bled for an hour, rested for a few, bled some more, rested some more, had the hospice nurse, me, then his children, parents, and 1st wife Chris here for many hours. Then tonight the UU Choir came and sang, 20 of them!! It was powerful and beautiful and David sang along to the first song, and then got up and danced to "So Glad I'm Here!" David made eye contact with most of the singers as he wandered around the circle. It was quite fun and magical. As he started back toward me I noticed his mouth was red, more blood finding its way up and out. The choir stayed for just three songs, which was perfect. And after they left, I sat there, holding hands with David and cried, mother Margaret on one side, Chris next to David on the other. I thought "they'll always remember you as the man who danced, David." and somehow that was just so sad to think, I guess because when he's gone, he'll be gone. No more David dancing in the streets. There are people who come up to David at the Co-op and and tell him how much they enjoy watching him dance at Summer Nights (music in the streets of Belfast). He usually wears these silly yellow shoes and people remember. Often once David starts dancing, other people venture out, and it's such a blast! One time he and I even danced in a rain storm on the corner of Main St and High. A band we liked was playing under a canopy, and we just danced, me in a long dress that was soaked before long. It was magical, and the musicians remind me of it sometimes, how great that was for them, and how they have hoped it'd happen again one day. So lots of tears here today, and also lots of love.

Due to David's need for more care, he'll be staying here at home this weekend with shifts of capable family and friends, usually more than one at a time. I'll be two hrs away, and can return at any time if needed.

I'll write again Sunday or Monday.

much love, Tara

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