Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"followers" not working properly

I just want you all to know that we have heard that some people aren't getting these blogs sent to their email address even if they are "followers". So, that won't do for getting news out. We will figure out something different that is more effective and also simple for me to do!

Also, thanks to all for notes and calls and visits and food and love and sweet wishes and hugs and flowers and time and reflections and all the rest!!!!! It is wonderful to not feel alone in the midst of this most poignant time with David.

The news today is that David's body is functioning pretty well, eating, sleeping, walking, thinking and eliminating. He is quite alert in the awake times, and rests when he is sleepy. I'm planning to spend a couple nights in Portland this weekend and David is going to be with his folks. A little space will do me good, and we have been wanting a rug for the livingroom so we can be comfortable on the floor. I have a friends in Portland who know where to shop for good deals, so we'll do some of that. I'm hoping to take 24 hrs off every week or so, either for David to be with someone else, or for me to go off. If you'd like to be part of that, please let me know.

It's a beautiful sunny crisp day, 7:45 am now and David is up and washing a few dishes in the sink. He says "I'm really to weak to do this," and keeps on. Sometimes his futzing around is frusterating to me. He doesn't like how the jars are now arranged, he wonders why I didn't soak grains last night, he seems uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable. And so I find myself breathing to calm the thoughts that are arriving full speed ahead. Be here now. Be here now. Woman in chair, sun streaming in, fire crackling, washer tumbling, body a little achy, breathing, ahhh. Breathing. Available, to self and others. mmmm.

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